How to Improve Your First Touch Drill in Football – 3 Steps

By Muhammad Adeel

Table of Contents

Every football player needs to learn perfect ball control as their initial touch after receiving it. Through first touch players gain ball control which creates possibilities to score. Soccer training depends heavily on performing first touch drills because this drills improve player soccer abilities.

Standard practice routines and hard dedication enable football players to enhance their abilities in the sport. The players will build their field confidence through this training method.

First Touch Drill in Football

Introduction to First Touch Drill in Football

Participating in first touch drills constitutes one of the fundamental aspects of football training sessions. Newcomers learn how to maintain control of the ball as a direct result of receiving it. Soccer athletes develop better football skills as first touch proficiency improves through solo practice drills.

The skill enables players to establish positioning space and defeat defenders to achieve scoring chances. The skill helps players enhance their worth to their teammates.

Key Takeaways

  • To succeed in football every player needs to attain complete first touch control.
  • Soccer trainings depend heavily on first touch drills as an essential element.
  • Through single-person drills players enhance their soccer abilities as well as their ability to perform in football matches.
  • Your first touch will improve through committed training along with consistent dedication.
  • A player who develops a solid first touch generates scoring possibilities for himself while simultaneously boosting team effectiveness.

Understanding First Touch Control Fundamentals

A top-level soccer player controls the ball effectively. You need to understand both ball movement characteristics and your standing position to properly receive it. Basic soccer knowledge builds up your soccer abilities.

Research evidence demonstrates that both the ball’s trajectory path and its velocity level determine significant factors during control situations. Standing position alongside the contact surface plays a crucial role in your ability to control the ball. Different practice drills performed across different surfaces will lead to better improvement.

Several critical elements need your attention to achieve better first touch control.

  • First use the proper part of your foot rather than hands to receive the ball.
  • By keeping your ankle stiff you will achieve better control of the ball
  • Turf and grass should be used for distinct practice sessions.

Mastering these basics can make you a better soccer player. Always work on your ball control and practice routines to improve your soccer techniques.

How to Improve Your First Touch in Football: Solo Drills and Tips

To develop a better first touch in football, you must practice with solo drills. These help develop certain techniques. By using wall drills, cone drills, or ladder drills, you can develop your abilities and skills for football and soccer.

Any time on your own is fine. You can execute the wall drill, where you kick a ball against a wall and control it. The cone drill means moving through cones using varied parts of your foot. Doing these drills on your spare time can make you a better player.

How to Improve Your First Touch Drill in Football
  • Better body control and technique
  • Improve agility and burst on the pitch
  • Increased confidence and decision-making

Doing the proper drills regularly may make you a success in football. Attention to detail is everything. Practice with your best intentions and hope to see the subsequent development in your skills and abilities during soccer training.

Also read this : 5 Easy Cricket Batting Drills to Practice at Home

Conclusion: Building Your First Touch Practice Routine

Improving one’s first touch in football is definitely a process and not a quick-fix solution. Combating the mentioned solo drills and tips for practice and soccer training, you will have the opportunity to see your skills blossom. Aim high in your endeavor.

Practice routines are the crux to improvement, standard drills to begin with and emphasize the basics. With progression, come the complex drills. A few minutes of concentrated sessions-a day on your first touch will make a difference.

With the expenditure of time, effort, and material on a willingness to learn, your first touch will develop into one of your greatest weapons. Have fun while watching your skills develop on the pitch!


What is the first touch important during the game of football?

The fine first touch is critical for every football player. A player who can touch and control the ball can create new spaces for attacking opportunities. With dribbling, passing, and shooting at play, the first touch, if done right, becomes essential.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in practicing first touch control?

It is quite essential to remember not to allow the ball run away by using one’s non-preferred foot part, to lock the ankle, or to fail to adapt to varying types of surfaces. Proper body position and selection of the correct surface are very handy for a proper first touch.

What are some other great sole practice drills for improving first touch control?

Wall drills, cone drills, and ladder drills are some popular individual drills. They allow you to really exploit tech-specific work, repetition-wise, thereby building skills and tentative confidence.

How can I create an effective practice regimen for first touch development?

Start with simple drills and slowly build up their intensity; always train on a variety of surfaces, and begin every practice with a warm-up.  A regular investment of time and heart into mastering the first touch will demand attention.

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